





元青花素来珍贵,完整的青花瓶更是少见。此瓶饰釉下青花,内口沿绘如意头,圈足为卷草纹、腹部主纹为植物。画面繁而不乱 元青花山水画的景色、画风笔风都具有元代风格,属典型的元代风格。从宋元一直到明清,从皇家贵族到平民百姓,都把玉壶春瓶作为陈设品摆在居室当中,远观近赏,怡情养性。今天,玉壶春瓶中的精品已经成为市场争相追逐的热点



The biggest feature of the jade pot spring bottle in Yuan Dynasty is that the composition is full, and the levels are numerous but not chaotic. Brush strokes are common, smooth and powerful; Rendering is thick and calm. The themes of theme ornamentation include figures, animals, plants, poems and so on. There are noble figures.

Yuan blue and white jade pot spring bottle ~ Blue and white porcelain was produced in Tang Dynasty and flourished in Yuan Dynasty. Yuan blue and white greatly changed the implicit and restrained style of traditional porcelain, giving people concise and warm pleasure with bright and bold visual effects. With its heroic spirit and original artistic spirit, it pushed the blue-and-white painting art to the peak of history, and also established the longevity of blue-and-white porcelain in later generations. Most of the blue and white flowers in Yuan Dynasty are painted with imported cobalt materials, that is, "Su Ma Li Qing". Their blue and white flowers are rich in color, just like sapphire blue. Due to the adoption of "Su Ma Li Qing" material, a blue and white material with low manganese content and high iron content, black spots are often left in the burnt part of blue and white, which is known as "iron rust spots". The number of plants painted with blue and white wares in Yuan Dynasty is the least. This utensil has a regular shape, coordinated proportion, bright glaze color, bright blue and white hair color, clear picture layout, strong sense of hierarchy, and exquisite painters. Especially, pine trees are vividly depicted, and they are very brilliant. The shades of blue and white vividly show the beauty of plants, making such a great achievement.

